Zinedoms (Issue 6, August 2013)

The nation of Karnish rose out of the enslaved South when Fandor and Mynax led their armies against Amman and defeated them. Out of the carnage rose a new nation, Karnish, which became a force of good and ensured the longest peace in Arrasia known since the fall of Lima. Justice and trade were at the heart of the new ethos and nearly all the nations embraced it. The might of the Karns grew until their empire was unsurpassed and the once unconquered Amman crushed.
The politcal structure put into place as the nation first emerged has served it well and seen it grow into the greatest nation on Arrasia. Now the nation is in decline, with war along its borders and a new chaos consuming the lands around them, these structures are more important than ever and the people of Karnish put their faith in both the King and in Fandor that what underpinned their greatness will now help maintain their freedom and their nation in its darkest hours.
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Karnish Nobility
The nobility in Karnish form the backbone of its political structure, controlling the provinces, collecting taxes, forming the government, and providing the army for the Crown.
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Spotlight: Karnish
The fields of Karnish are lush and filled with good agricultural land and have excellent access links to almost anywhere in Arrasia. It is also where many of the largest cities on the planet can be found. [read more...]
The fields of Karnish are lush and filled with good agricultural land and have excellent access links to almost anywhere in Arrasia. It is also where many of the largest cities on the planet can be found. [read more...]

Karnish is the most important nation on Arrasia, even if no longer its strongest, so take a journey to see what it has offer in the first of a three part special. [read more...]

With six issues of the Zinedoms already behind us, we take a quick look back at what we've brought you so far and a quick look forward at what's to come. [read more...]
Blackfen - Buildings
Everyone has to live somewhere. In Blackfen the houses inside Old Palisade Town are small and tall, to fit the cramped conditions. Elsewhere, they offer more space as the city continues to grow and expand. [read more...]
Everyone has to live somewhere. In Blackfen the houses inside Old Palisade Town are small and tall, to fit the cramped conditions. Elsewhere, they offer more space as the city continues to grow and expand. [read more...]
Blackfen - Roads
Karnish and its empire is renown for its road building and the main thoroughfares through the city are excellent. Off the beaten track, however, things can vary wildly.
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Blackfen - Sewers
Although Blackfen only has a small sewer system, mostly for the rich districts, it's still worth exploring. As well as being infested with rats and other vermin, gangs and other unwanted guests have made their homes there. [read more...]
Although Blackfen only has a small sewer system, mostly for the rich districts, it's still worth exploring. As well as being infested with rats and other vermin, gangs and other unwanted guests have made their homes there. [read more...]
1. Abbey of Fandor
This grand building is cathedralesque in construction, with huge flying buttresses and columns, gargoyles and tall steeple. It dominates the route into Blackfen.
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Previous Issues
Issue 3 - Herophet: Herophet - The Hells of Herophet - Spotlight: Zykerathox - Zinedoms - Issue 3 - Let us know what you think... - Blackfen Geography Map - Blackfen - Themes (Parts 1 & 2) - Gangs of Blackfen (Part 1)
Issue 4 - Longstaff Wizards: The Longstaff Wizards - Longstaff Towers - Longstaff Magic Shops - Zinedoms - Issue 4 - What do you want? - Gangs of Blackfen (Parts 2 & 3) - Blackfen - Religion - Blackfen - Magic
Issue 5 - Damarkan: Damarkan - Spotlight - Fandor - Spotlight - the Cosmos - Zinedoms - Issue 5 - Got Ideas? Get Involved! - Blackfen - Guilds - Blackfen - the Military - Blackfen - Politics - Blackfen - People
Issue 3 - Herophet: Herophet - The Hells of Herophet - Spotlight: Zykerathox - Zinedoms - Issue 3 - Let us know what you think... - Blackfen Geography Map - Blackfen - Themes (Parts 1 & 2) - Gangs of Blackfen (Part 1)
Issue 4 - Longstaff Wizards: The Longstaff Wizards - Longstaff Towers - Longstaff Magic Shops - Zinedoms - Issue 4 - What do you want? - Gangs of Blackfen (Parts 2 & 3) - Blackfen - Religion - Blackfen - Magic
Issue 5 - Damarkan: Damarkan - Spotlight - Fandor - Spotlight - the Cosmos - Zinedoms - Issue 5 - Got Ideas? Get Involved! - Blackfen - Guilds - Blackfen - the Military - Blackfen - Politics - Blackfen - People