Zinedoms - Issue 6

Article by Keith Robinson
Posted August 1 2013 in Zinedoms Vol 6

Welcome to the August issue of the Zinedoms.

This sixth issue is the first in a three part special which will take a look into the political structure of Karnish, from the nobility in this month’s issue, through to the role of the Crown, the Church and the army, and both national and provisional governments over the forthcoming months. Karnish remains the most important nation in Arrasia and these articles will add both a richer and deeper insight into our knowledge and understanding of that Kingdom. Over the course of three issues, we will fully explore how the country is run and how the various parts form the whole.

In this month’s issue we take a look at the nobility of Karnish, who play such an important role both nationally and provisionally and are the lynchpin on which the cogs of Karnish turn. At the heart of national government, rulers of the provinces, and providers of the army, they are essential to the running of the country and no monarch could survive long without them.

You will also find our regular weekly articles on Blackfen, collected together for easy access. This issue we took a look at the roads and buildings of Blackfen, as well as its sewers. We also brought you the first of the keyed buildings to be detailed, with the Holy Abbey of Fandor opening its doors to let you take a look inside. You can now look forward to a new article every week exploring a different building or location within the city.

Finally, with 6 issues of the zinedoms behind us, we thought we take a look at what’s been happening over our first six months and what you can look forward to over the next six!

And don’t forget to get involved and follow us on twitter.

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