Tell us what you think...

Article by Keith Robinson
Posted April 2 2013 in Zinedoms Vol 3

We’ve already reached April and this is our third issue of Zinedoms and month three since our relaunch. It’s been a very busy time, getting all the articles together, editing, making sure we keep a regular stream of content coming your way. It’s also been an immensely enjoyable period and we’re already looking forward to the forthcoming releases and have what we hope are a few surprises along the way.

Last month we encouraged you to get involved. A website is only as good as its audience and I would once again encourage anyone who is interested in doing something for us to submit their material and let us look over it.

This month I would like to hear your thoughts on how you think it’s going so far. We really would like to hear your feedback to see if we’re going in the right direction. Feel free to make suggestions and let us know of any ideas you may have or how we can improve things. Please do come along and let us know!

And, as always, do get involved on twitter.

The Kyngdoms

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